Bracconaggio (Poaching) Italy – Valli bresciane

Pettirosso_bracconiere verde
Pettirosso_Frosoni morti

Brescia is the stronghold of poaching activities in north Italy. In a region where people celebrate Virgin of the good poacher in Capovalle, many people still catch birds with old traps (sepp, snares) and mist nets. During a walk it’s easy to share the same track with illegal hunters. Families, runners and other people are accustomed to hunters and poachers. The line between legal hunters and illegal one is really thin.

Since 1800, the strong cultural traditions widespread around Brescia’s valleys. Small passerine birds like Robin, Black cap, Chaffinch, Hawfinch and Siskin has been the fuel for poachers who, from 1900 sold dead birds to restaurants and private clients. Last years law enforcement ban the possibility to sell or preserve in fridge these birds. Poaching activities in Val Sabbia, Val Camonica, Val Trompia grew during last decade due to economic crisis.